About us

              GENPHOAL LTD. was founded in 2003 at Huizhou, Guangdong Province, China. At the frontier of China’s reform and opening up, for more than 16 years we have witnessed and participated in the introduction and achievement of many advanced technology and management experience, and in cooperation and exchanges with our business partners, we have seen differences in humanities and development, and we are well aware that co-winning cooperation is the only way to obtain development of the company, and has been completely unified a policy of “Growing based on helping others!” within the company.

photodune-5528481-vinyl-note-sCompany in Guangdong Huizhou has a 5-storey office building, and constantly in more countries and regions set up branches or offices, the company employs a variety of management and technical personnel more than 100 people. In order to ensure the quality of goods and timely delivery, the company in Guangdong Local capital injection or holding in the form of 6 manufacturing enterprises support.


Today’s business economy has been unprecedented diversification, we believes that the development in depth not horizontal can enable the company to provide more professional services in certain areas, itself will have a better ability to resist risk. To this end, the company strives to train with customers to provide accurate matching solutions, effective quality assurance means of the connotation of the brand.

Production capacity 

  • Auto vendors of bottled drinks: 15,000 set
  • Auto vendors of Accessories or tools: 20,000 set
  • Express storeroom: 15,000 set
  • General business process (per year)
  • Customers’ requirements→solutions evaluation→down payment for specification standardization→customer confirmed→production start→final payment→delivery→installation &  guide (if need).