Slot Machine Vending Machine

In the 1st century AD, the device of the Greeks Hilo that sold the holy water automatically was the world’s first vending machine.

In 1925, the United States developed a vending machine for the sale of cigarettes. Since then, various modern vending machines have been sold that sell stamps and tickets. The types, structures, and functions of modern vending machines vary depending on the items being sold, mainly including vending machines such as candy, beverages, and newspapers. A general vending machine is composed of a coin device, a pointing device, a storage vending device, and the like. The coin device is the core of the vending machine. Its main function is to confirm the authenticity of the coin, sort the type of the coin, and calculate the amount. If the amount invested is equal to the value of the purchased item, the sales signal is sent and the remaining money is found. The indicating device is used to indicate the variety of the item selected by the customer. The storage vending device stores the merchandise, receives the sales instruction signal, and delivers the merchandise selected by the customer to the delivery port. The coin device of the general vending machine is composed of a coin slot, a sorting device, an inspection device for confirming the authenticity of the coin, a calculation device for calculating the amount, and a money-seeking device. Since the 1970s, there have been various new vending machines controlled by microcomputers and larger unmanned vending systems that use credit cards instead of coins and connect to computers, such as unmanned shopping malls, station ticketing and ticket checking systems. Bank cash automatic payment machine, etc.

Vending Machine Slot Machine

Big capacity vending soft ice cream machine mechanical vending machine

Vending machines are a new form of commercial retail that was developed in Japan and Europe and the United States in the 1970s. It is also known as a 24-hour micro supermarket. In Japan, 70% of canned beverages are sold through vending machines. The world-famous beverage company Coca-Cola has 500,000 beverage vending machines around the world.

Vending Machine Slot Machine

In Japan, there are a total of 5.5 million vending machines (according to 1998 statistics), with sales of 669,969,800,000 yen, ranking first in the world. After operating on the display screen of the vending machine, inputting the product number and the quantity purchased, and putting in the coins, the goods will come out of the pick-up port, and even hot noodles and rice balls can be purchased from the food vending machine. Although the total number of vending machines in Japan is lower than that of the United States (by 6.89 million in 1997), it is the highest in the world in terms of population, with an average of 35 in the United States and 23 in Japan. There is one person.

Vending Machine Slot Machine

In the 17th century, there were vending machines for cigarettes in small British bars. In the long history of vending machines, Japan has developed practical vending machines, which are after the turn of the century. The first vending machine in Japan was the “stamp postcard vending machine” that was introduced in 1904. It is a machine that integrates the sale of stamp postcards and the letterbox letter. The real popularity of vending machines was after the Second World War. In the 1950s, “spray-type juice vending machines” became popular, and juices were poured into paper cups for sale. Later, in 1962, a large beverage company in the United States entered the Japanese market. In 1962, there was a revolution in the circulation field dominated by vending machines. In 1967, all the currencies below 100 yen were converted into coins, which promoted the development of the vending machine industry.

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